What does LFG mean?
LFG is an abbreviation for “looking for group” (or in some instances “looking for game”) and is used to let other members know that you are trying to find a group to play with. If you’re familiar with LFG (Looking For Group) servers then waste no time, check out our Discord Communities and head straight to the LFG category to squad up, fill a trio or find a duos partner.
Why use an LFG Discord server?
If you’re not familiar with an LFG server, I’ll explain. Most of us play for wins right? … right? …Victory Royales, Chicken Dinners, we all want to “Get Some”. And randos (i.e. playing with random people selected for you by Call of Duty’s highly renowned *cough sarcasm* matchmaking system) isn’t the way to go. Why? Well, firstly people don’t communicate. When they do, it is via in game chat, which on the whole is abysmal, and before you know it lizzardlicker69#183402 is looting 400m away from you and will inevitably die to the first enemy team he comes across.
The solution is finding like minded players who want to communicate and play together, and that’s where we come in. TourneyTime Network is one of the largest and fastest growing players networks, with over 100,000 members across our servers, and we’re dedicated to helping you partner up. All you have to do is join one of our Discord Communities and look for the LFG category.

It will look like a little bit like this.
This is where you will find other players who are looking for team mates. All you have to do is let people know what you are looking for.
Since us gamers are a lazy bunch, here’s a few abbreviations you should know about:
LFG: Looking for group. This normally means that one person is looking to join a team.
LFS: Looking for squad. Similar to the above.
LF1: Looking for one. This means that a team, or somebody else is looking for one person to join them.
LF2: Looking for two. (Hopefully I don’t need to explain this one!)
EU/NA/AS: this denotes the players geographic location.
As such someone may post “LF1, EU, Trio 3″. Which means an EU player or team is looking for one person to join their team in Trio 3. I realise I may have just created another question for you; what does “Trio 3” mean… Let me explain:

Further down the channel listing in our Warzone Discord for example, you will find a series of voice channels named Trio 1, Trio 2, Trio 3, and so on. You will use these to communicate during the game. In this instance there are two players already in Trio 3 waiting for one final player to join them. As such they posted in the LFG chat “LF1, EU, Trio 3” to find one EU player to join them in the Trio 3 voice channel. All you have to do is join the voice channel by clicking it.
Once you’re in, invite each other into an in game lobby and you are good to go!